Brand Agency


Turning the question of Zakat on its head, this Ramadan

Our new Ramadan campaign for Muslim Aid highlights and celebrates the relationship between the beneficiary, donor and payment of Zakat.

Our New Ramadan 2017 campaign for Muslim Aid is now live. A faith-based humanitarian NGO since 1985, Muslim Aid is one of the biggest charities in the UK. Working in over 70 countries on relief and development projects with a view to helping local people becoming self-sufficient.

Our new campaign sought to change the usual Ramadan narrative of using beneficiaries in unfortunate and somewhat distressing circumstances. In the 30 days of exposure, attitudes change and develop. Feedback had shown donors were not responding to this approach in an already negative media environment. Muslim Aid's aim was to be the place where your Zakat (annual alms giving) was donated during the holy month. The strapline "Zakat. I paid with Muslim Aid" was developed to highlight that they were the go to organisation to calculate and distribute your Zakat. The creative uses Muslims from numerous backgrounds, professions, ages and ethnicities to illustrate the diversity and breadth of the Muslim community in the UK to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 

The project can be viewed at

Irfan Ahmed is the Creative Director at One Agency, a UK-based brand agency.

Irfan Ahmed